Design Validations
We provide a wide range of analysis capabilities, from being your full-time services provider to doing occasional, one-off analysis for you, and we have developed niche expertise different types of finite element analysis while offering our services to customers in India and globally be it structural or crash or durability. Following are the areas in which G Square offers finite element analysis services and solutions.
Steady /Static Analysis
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Thermal Analysis
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Modal/Spectrum analysis
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Crash analysis
Fusce luctus odio ac nibh luctus, in porttitor theo lacus egestas. Dummy text generator.
Structural/Durability and Fatigue analysis
Fusce luctus odio ac nibh luctus, in porttitor theo lacus egestas. Dummy text generator.
Multi-body dynamic simulation
Fusce luctus odio ac nibh luctus, in porttitor theo lacus egestas. Dummy text generator.
Impact Analysis / Slam analysis
Fusce luctus odio ac nibh luctus, in porttitor theo lacus egestas. Dummy text generator.